The Versatile SLS
(Speech Level Singing Technique)
The Speech Level Singing technique, developed by Seth Riggs, is a complete vocal training that maximizes a singer's vocal abilities in any style of singing. From Opera to Rock; Jazz to Pop or R&B, over 100 Grammy award winners use it, as well as winners of the Metropolitan Opera Auditions and Tony Award winning performers on broadway. SLS has also been practiced by Academy Award winning actors and industry leaders to perfect their vocal presence and empower them in speech. Speech-Level-Singing (SLS)
The Larynx
The larynx is the large bump in the middle of the throat just below the chin (men call this the "Adam's Apple"). The larynx houses the vocal cords and also controls the swallowing mechanism. When the larynx rises up, the muscles around the vocal cords close in order to prevent food from entering the wind pipe and the lungs. This is essential to the swallowing process, yet hinders good singing. If you place your hand on your larynx and yawn, you will feel your larynx come down. If you leave your hand on your larynx and swallow, you will feel your larynx rise. In Speech Level Singing, our goal is keep the larynx at a comfortable "speech level" while we sing (neither jamming up, nor locking down).
The vocal cords, also known as vocal folds, are a pair of soft tissue cords that are joined at the front of the larynx and extend to the back. When they close, the back end of the cords come together (connect), and the flow of air is temporarily stopped. When the pressure of air from the diaphragm overcomes the pressure of the muscles holding the cords together, they are blown apart. Sound is made when they close again due to the resonation created. Then once again the air pressure overcomes the muscle pressure and the process begins again.
If the cords are not brought together with a balanced pressure of air and muscle strength, you will have a strained and tense voice, or your voice will break. This technique first eliminates any activity in the outer muscles of the larynx. These outer muscles interfere with the singing tone; once these tensions are eliminated, the tone is freed. In addition, the ability to produce words easily and clearly is enhanced.
Breathing for Singing
The diaphragm, is a dome shaped muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. The lungs, which are incapable of any muscular action, sit on top of the diaphragm. When the diaphragm contracts, it flattens downward and slightly to the back, thus lowering the floor of the chest (thorax). As it does this, the lungs are stretched downward, creating a partial vacuum which causes the air outside the body to rush in. During this inhale, as the diaphragm descends, the abdominal wall is caused to expand outward. The diaphragm is active only during the inhalation process.
The abdominal muscles will automatically regulate the exhalation process during singing when a speech-level posture is maintained. The breathing process during Speech-Level-Singing is very relaxed. This technique of singing promotes proper, automatic breath support, and thus a balance between air and muscle. Speech-Level-Singing gives the vocal coordination needed to sing any style a singer desires.
Give Lori a call today learn the technique that has swept the music industry.